Thursday, 22 May 2008

Dragonfly Microlight

Came across this the other day, while looking for something on the interweb...
Flylight have taken advantage of the rule changes for Microlights in the UK, and have produced a small lightweight 1-man trike and mated it with an Aeros hang-glider
I wont bore you all with any more 'techy' details, about engines etc etc
Great video though...and yes, it is fine to switch them off occasionally as long as they restart OK!

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Monday, 19 May 2008

Looks like Spring has arrived?

well it was a long time coming, but it looks as if Spring has arrived. Two fantastic weeks of weather in early May kept our instructors busier flying, rather than doing the rounds picking the best weather forecast to go by! That said, even the 'best' weather forecast gets it wrong sometimes....thats where our well-honed experience comes in ;-)

Lots of students (old and new) got the hint that summer was here with frantic phone calls and migration North (for the southern guys) following shortly afterwards. So a busy time for all, with two first solo flights and a flying test completed. For those of you that have done some lessons and are thinking of coming back and finishing, get back at it. No excuses of 'we are skint cos of the credit crunch!' Payment can be made in a variety of ways, Euro, Sterling, Visa, Mastercard, Tesco vouchers, Chickens or a even downpayment on the Audi at the Prentice garage at the end of Tarsan Lane. Seriously though, if you have dropped out of the course for whatever reason, get back at it. Sitting on top of a layer of cloud at 4000ft in an open cockpit Microlight is absolutely priceless...the credit crunch wont matter then. 

A powered parachute has made an appearance at the club. Raymond ONeill has almost completed his hours required for his license, so that will be a first for the school when completed. For those of you that dont know what a powered parachute is, have a look here. They are great fun...but are very weather dependent. Excellent for a nice summers evening, but definitely no crosswind takeoffs.

lots and lots of other things going on, or about to happen...but hey, we have to save it for another post or I will have nothing else to write about. Last thing...I now have an examiner rating so you can do the whole kaboodle under one roof lessons, ground exams & flying test.Just something to make all our lives a bit easier when it comes to doing your test.

Cheers, Victor

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Friday, 9 May 2008

Hi There,

we have finally come into the 21st century, and have created a blog for our website. For those of you that have no idea what Microlight Flying is all about, the blog should (hopefully) be informative and interesting.....hopefully inspiring you to come down for a lesson!

For qualified pilots and students we will drop on details on new aircraft, how students are getting on, what existing club members are getting upto. Hopefully a bit of a resource for non-pilots and pilots that will be worth a look occasionally.

There are some techy stuff that needs sorted out with the blog and the website over the next week, so please bear with us as we upload some interesting stuff on the web.

In the mean time, check out this video clip from Olivier Aubert:


Cheers, Victor

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